Sunday, January 24, 2010

1 part human, 1 part mermaid and the rest is yet to be discovered…..

To start of, jumping into deep sea or even getting up-close with sea creatures was in my list of “NOT TO DO” ….. I used to be one of those who are damn scared of swimming in the sea for so many reasons…. fear of open space, fear of what lies beneath and the silly thought that someone’s gonna pull my legs down till I drown.….  It isn’t until I took that leap of confidence that I came to understand that many of those fears are unwarranted. The ocean indeed can be a magical place (if you give yourself a chance to explore the exhilarating scenery down under –God’s exact masterpiece)

I had my first dive in 2009…At first it was just out of curiosity that then developed into passion… Gazing into the grainy depths of divers’ photos as I admire their bravery wishing I could do it too. I was so fascinated with the images and the thought of what’s down under… and so I tried as letting my fears stop me is a “no-no”…well, that’s how stubborn I am and will always be… I get even more challenged when something seems to be stopping me at any point.

Having the opportunity to try diving turned out to be the veracity of this long time dream, the start of the story of my lifelong experience, my strong affinity to the sea and my battle to fight my fear of open space. I begun to understand everything that’s in it without being petrified when up-close.

In the beginning it was just to conquer my fear of fish and other sea creatures, but then I came to realize that being in the Maldives would be a total waste if I don’t try my long time fascination… So I rushed to a Dive Center and tried scuba diving… first try was fun but I was not so keen, few reasons are lack of time, one dive tires me plus so many other excuses…but then I guess I was hypnotized by the breathtaking beauty of the deep and made me do it again…and fell in love with it since then!

Each dive is always like a fresh experience to me, every sea creature makes me gaze in wonder at the miracle of life, the genius creations of God, my veins are still brimming with excitement as I uncover the mysteries of the under water world. There are times that I somehow feel an unexplainable connection with it.  Yeah I’m somewhat crazy and I figured that out since long time…

I find it comical to watch sea creatures be captivated by the divers’ presence (imagine their funny huge eyes looking intently at you), like wondering what kind of silly looking creature you are…hilarious…

To witness different varieties of species from gorgeous colorful class to a funny looking type and not to forget creepy ones is in fact enchanting…to watch them group and show-off their nice groove—like dancing in a musical play—enthralling indeed! 

Next in my “TO DO LIST” would be to sky dive– auuffffff when and where!!!!

-Dolce Angelo-