Sunday, September 16, 2012

“It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” ― Mother Teresa

Going through loss and pain has changed the way I see life now..... The old me who never knew what sharing and valuing others really means has evolved into someone more deeper.

The pain and sorrow I have gone through has led me closer to God and his teachings, although I was raised  by God-fearing families on both my father & mother side, only since I knew how it was like to lose a part me, has taught me the true meaning of His teachings -to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share...Only by doing these acts that I feel closer spiritually with my Dolce Angelo.

Loss & pain has been an instrument that lead me to God's calling, Back in 2008 myself along with 2 of my girl friends organized a feeding program on Christmas Eve, we strolled the side walks of Pateros & Pasig churches in search of families on the street waiting for Christmas alms from passersby.... We made pledges and out of that we were able to feed more or less 50 children (I can still clearly remember the look on my friend's face when we came across a family from Zambales, the mom carrying her sleeping baby who is having such a high fever on a cold night outside the streets of Pasig). The unexplainable joy of knowing how happy they were has really been so heartwarming, a feeling that I will never forget.

Since then the unplanned devotion of doing charitable act has continued and I am proud to say that it has influenced my family & friends to pledge and support me in this benevolent act, and I praise them for that!

We often say that things happen for a reason, I think that this is one good reason I had to pass through all the downfall in my life, to open my eyes to the beauty that God teaches us. To this day I plan to continue sharing the blessings that I am being bestowed upon, we do not need to be an angel, we just need to learn how to payback.

Pain and loss has taught me not only to be strong in times of sorrow, but it behooved me to look within myself and turn to the best dedication possible, those endowments I had from our Creator.

 “When you know that everything matters—that every move counts as much as any other—you will begin living a life of permanent purpose.” This is my purpose in life, to continue a charitable act as a simple way of thanking my Creator for his unconditional LOVE.
(Photo - credits to Google)
“When we suffer, we are being conformed to the image of Jesus. When we pray, we are being made holy in the image of Jesus. When we quietly serve a person in need, we are being shaped into the image of Jesus. When we generously give, our heart is being remade into the image of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.” 

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