Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Beer bottle chandelier

What do you do with your empty beer cans and bottles? Throw it in the dustbins. But do you know that these cans and bottles can be used to design marvelous sculptures? Here’re 10 ways to recycle beer bottles and cans. Read on.

1. Beer bottle chandelier
This chandelier is made of 52 empty beer bottle. Recycled bottle art is a thing worth promoting as it will prevent environment from getting ruined. This chandelier is much cheaper than chandelier made of fancy glasses, so it is a good thing for those who want to add that special feeling to their house without spending huge bucks for it. This chandelier has eight bulbs on two levels and the design can be altered as per customer’s requirements.

2. Buddhist temple made from one million beer bottles
Recycling is a great technology and some Thai monks have taken it to the next level by designing a temple using recycled bottles of beer. The temple named Wat Pa Maha Chedi Kaew temple designed by the monks from Sisaket province is made up of a million recycled beer bottles. The monks have used green colored bottles of Heineken Beer and brown colored bottles of Chang Beer to build this temple.

3. Bottle solar heater
Chinese carpenter Ma Yanjunx is not a renowned designer but a simple villager from Shaanxi Province who has designed and built a solar water heater using beer bottles and hose pipes. Ma has fixed the bottles on a board and these bottles are connected with hose pipes to allow the entry of cold water. The board faces the sun and the water inside the bottle gets heated when the sun rays fall on them. Ma came up with this unique solar heater as he wanted to give warm water to her mother to take bathe in winters.

4. Beer can clipboard
You can use beer can to design several small items which can be used as decorative pieces in your homes. You can design an airplane, guitar, trumpet and things like that using empty beer cans.

5. Beer can house
Most of us prefer to throw things after using them but there are some who prefer not to throw things in dustbin and try to use the used articles to come up with something artistic and useful. Beer can house is the result of such thinking and vision. The empty cans are used brilliantly to design a house which looks beautiful and unique.

6. Recycled radio
We all listen to radio but how many of us listen to green radio? The green here means technology of recycling. Some South African visionary has come up with a radio, which is made up of used beer cans, tops of the bottles and scrap metal. The casing of the radio is made up of beer cans and bottle tops.

7. Beer bottle as a brick
Alfred Heineken, who is a beer brewer by profession, came up with an idea of using beer bottle as a brick and Dutch architect John Habraken designed the “brick that holds beer”. Heineken was visiting the Caribbean island when the idea of the Heineken WOBO (world bottle) hit him. The WOBO comes in two sizes – 350 and 500 mm versions.

8. Recycled vase
Modern eco-friendly products industry is based on recycling and the Transglass vase is just another example of designing aesthetically rich products using recycled materials. Emma Woffenden has given a new meaning to the word recycling through Transglass vases, which come in various shapes, sizes and colors. The Transglass vase is worth $38 and upwards which means that recycled materials are not always cheap.
9. Beer urban glasses

Have you ever thought of using unused beer bottles as spectacles? Most probably, the answer would be “no” but someone has made urban spectacles using unused beer glasses. The glasses look one of a kind and yes they are eco-friendly. It’s certain that the person who will wear these glasses will stand out in a crowd.

10. Recycled beer art
Benjamin Franklin once said that “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” Beer is definitely a unique thing and not many things can match its qualities. But what is the use of empty beer bottles? The answer will be trash, but not all people think so and some are recycling these bottles to design artful pieces of arts.

Credits to ecofriend.....

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I want to wake up to that view in your window, the one that overlooks everything below. I want to wake up in your arms, my skin pressed against yours. I want to shower in your bathroom and wash my face in your sink. I want to make you coffee and have toast with you. I want to read the morning paper with you and drive to work with you. I want to have our photo in a frame at the corner of my desk. I want to come home from work to you. I want to hold you and feel you and love you properly. I want to make dinner with you. I want to do the dishes and sort the laundry with you. I want to get ready for bed with you. I want to fall asleep in your arms, and wake up next to you and do everything all over again. I want to be with you.

Don't tell her that I drink tea and not coffee. I'd prefer if you didn't talk at all about me, even in a brief casual chat. Don't tell her how I loved your smile, or things like that. Don't tell her how I was your best friend. Don't tell her how it could never work out in the end. Don't tell her how you learned a lesson from me, and that's why you have to take things slow and easy. If you can forgive me for my faults, then maybe it can work out after all. I can't stand anybody knowing me the way you do, and I can't stand the thought of her knowing you.  Don't tell her how I like to sleep in late, or that I believe in romance and fate. Well, what if we meet on some cross-town street? And you'll introduce us and we'll finally meet. And I'll be alone when you're walking away, and I'll be wondering what she's going to say. Well, I know we'll never be the way we were, but don't tell her.  Don't tell her that this love of mine was just a stage. She doesn't need to know my point of view. She'll never love you like the way that I do. Don't tell her that I love you like I do.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

When She Cries lyrics

The road I have traveled on
Is paved with good intentions
It's littered with broken dreams
That never quite came true

When all of my hopes were dying
Her love kept me trying
She does her best to hide
The pain that she's been through

When she cries at night
And she doesn't think that I can hear her
She tries to hide
All the fear she feels inside

So I pray this time
I can be the man that she deserves
'Cos I die a little each time
When she cries

She's always been there for me
Whenever I've fallen
When nobody else believes
She'll be there by my side

I don't know how she takes it
Just once, I'd like to make it
Then there'll be tears of joy
That fill her lovin' eyes

When she cries at night
And she doesn't think that I can hear her
She tries to hide
All the fear she feels inside

So I pray this time
I can be the man that she deserves
'Cos I die a little each time
When she cries

So I pray this time
I can be the man that she deserves
'Cos I die a little each time
When she cries
God gives his hardest battles to his toughest soldiers.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


You may not remember the time you let me go first

Or the time you dropped back to tell me it wasn't that far to go

Or the time you waited at the crossroads for me to catch up.

You may not remember any of those, but I do, and this is what I have to say to you:
Today, no matter what it takes, we ride home together.

You and I

How's moving on when every time I try, you always break through and remind me of what we had.... How can I think no more of the long lost "you and I" when each time I look at a different direction, it's always you that I think about.... could it be that we have an unconcluded story that is waiting to be told.... could it be that we are yet to have a happy ending after all the storm? Could it be that at the end of the road it's still "you and I" all along? Could it be that the only person who can erase this invisible scar is the same person who caused it as well? 

Could it be true that you and I are meant for each other? Might be, coz there's never a moment that I wasn't reminded of you.... always there's a magical link that knots me to you.....  It hurt's  to think that although we know that "it could be" fact is I shouldn't be entertaining this crazy "could be" thoughts of mine...but it's as though I'm addicted to the pain and I refuse to give it up. 

Could it be that this unbaked tale turns into an epic romance.....

"TRAFFIC LIGHT" Sad-Love -Pain"(

Credits to the owner....
Small simple things can make others really happy...yet small simple things can also crush someone's soul...

Small simple things are powerful enough to make or break one's fragile heart...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Maybe I would have been something you'd be good at....

-La Dolce Vita-

Lost in our own fairytale

Every story has three parts:  Beginning,  Middle, and an End.  

I'm simply clueless which part are we in now... 

We met, that's how it started, we became friends that was the foundation, we fell in love that was the highlight, our time together were packed with amazing moments shared with friends along the side, every bit of it all still lingers in my mind.... Till that one day you had to go, that's where the twist in our story was, we were young and weren't so sure if what we had was real love or just infatuation although I was convinced that day you left that I would fight for the love we have even across the miles between us. We tried, we really tried, we tried even harder than we ever thought we could but destiny made it's own choice...time and distance drew a line between us...

Years have passed, things changed, people walked in and out of our lives, I thought that was the end of it all.... But I was wrong, it was clearly just the end of a chapter. It's just that we are both lost in our own story, are we trapped in our pasts and just cant move on or we simply chose not to move on to continue what we started? I wish I have the courage to spill out the answers. If you think I've given up on you, you're crazy and if you think I don't love you, then you're just wrong. I wish I could re-write and choose our happy ending but I am just a character in our own little fairytale......

Wherever this tale leads us, all I know is that you're the only place that feels like home to me, just so you know. For what we've become, we just feel more alone. Weighing what I've got against what I had, the answer could be: I am missing you to death. Could it be that I was constructed for you, and you were molded for me???

There are some things worth holding on forever, because it means so much......

Sunday, September 16, 2012

“It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” ― Mother Teresa

Going through loss and pain has changed the way I see life now..... The old me who never knew what sharing and valuing others really means has evolved into someone more deeper.

The pain and sorrow I have gone through has led me closer to God and his teachings, although I was raised  by God-fearing families on both my father & mother side, only since I knew how it was like to lose a part me, has taught me the true meaning of His teachings -to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share...Only by doing these acts that I feel closer spiritually with my Dolce Angelo.

Loss & pain has been an instrument that lead me to God's calling, Back in 2008 myself along with 2 of my girl friends organized a feeding program on Christmas Eve, we strolled the side walks of Pateros & Pasig churches in search of families on the street waiting for Christmas alms from passersby.... We made pledges and out of that we were able to feed more or less 50 children (I can still clearly remember the look on my friend's face when we came across a family from Zambales, the mom carrying her sleeping baby who is having such a high fever on a cold night outside the streets of Pasig). The unexplainable joy of knowing how happy they were has really been so heartwarming, a feeling that I will never forget.

Since then the unplanned devotion of doing charitable act has continued and I am proud to say that it has influenced my family & friends to pledge and support me in this benevolent act, and I praise them for that!

We often say that things happen for a reason, I think that this is one good reason I had to pass through all the downfall in my life, to open my eyes to the beauty that God teaches us. To this day I plan to continue sharing the blessings that I am being bestowed upon, we do not need to be an angel, we just need to learn how to payback.

Pain and loss has taught me not only to be strong in times of sorrow, but it behooved me to look within myself and turn to the best dedication possible, those endowments I had from our Creator.

 “When you know that everything matters—that every move counts as much as any other—you will begin living a life of permanent purpose.” This is my purpose in life, to continue a charitable act as a simple way of thanking my Creator for his unconditional LOVE.
(Photo - credits to Google)
“When we suffer, we are being conformed to the image of Jesus. When we pray, we are being made holy in the image of Jesus. When we quietly serve a person in need, we are being shaped into the image of Jesus. When we generously give, our heart is being remade into the image of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.”